

Council of 누벨바그(feat.라떼)


Created2015/04 Joined Alliance2year 8month 8d 23h War Locked1month 23d
All Donated2841 All Received4318 Ratio0.66 Medals4692
Player History

Alliance History

# of Alliances Visited8 Suspicious Alliances3 (38%) Avg Alliance Glory25002 Avg Alliance Ranking#1135 Highest Ranked Alliance TEA-STAR #2 36271 Longest Stay LaTTe라떼마을 #32 28642 929 days Longest Cumlative Stay LaTTe라떼마을 #32 28642 929 days See Full Alliance History

XP History

Highest XP Jump+366240 on 2024/04/14 Avg Daily XP2749 See Full XP History